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Jewish Women have always played a pivotal role in Jewish life. On a personal familial and community level it has always been the Jewish woman who has created and developed the aura of Judaic life. While bringing inspiration to our daily lives, through gaining deeper insight into our own innate spiritual qualities, we can contribute and transform our lives and the lives of those around us in a profound way. Chabad's Womens Programs are poised to explore Judaism, while fostering friendship, sharing and growth.   

The Chodesh Group

The Chodesh Group

The Chodesh Group

The Chodesh Group

The Jewish Women's Circle provides an opportunity for Jewish women to meet new friends, socialize, and truly discover the power of the Jewish Woman. Through innovative workshops, lectures, & creative activities, we explore contemporary Jewish issues & discuss topics that lie at the bedrock of our faith.

Torah and Tea

Torah and Tea

Torah and Tea

Torah and Tea

Join us for a weekly discussion as we explore relevant Jewish topics using ancient wisdom to guide us in a modern society. Dive into the ancient holy words of the Torah to discover insightful and contemporary lessons on how to direct the struggles or challenges in our lives into reservoirs of strength and inspiration.

Conversations in Kabbalah

Conversations in Kabbalah

Conversations in Kabbalah

Conversations in Kabbalah

Chicken Soup for the Soul

Whether it's something you missed in Hebrew School, never had a chance to study, something strange someone said and you wanted to check it up or simply want to talk... We love to chat, shmooze and study. You can find Nechama available for an informal chat. No topic is off limits!

Mega Challah Bake


Click here to RSVP

Mega Challah Bake


Click here to RSVP

RI Challah Bake 5785 107 (Youtube Banner).jpg

Unity Challah Bake RSVP


Unity Challah Bake RSVP


Unite. Pray. Share.

Commemorating October 7 and honoring our brothers & sisters in Israel.

Monday, October 7th 7:30 pm

Suggested: $18 - Light refreshments will be served.