





It has been proven time and time again that consistent human interactions can greatly impact the quality of life of the aged, and those who interact with seniors are in the position to accomplish a tremendous amount. Many of us have parents or family who are seniors, living alone or in senior facilities, that would greatly benefit from an extra visit from someone who isn’t family. Family can not always visit as often as desired, and not always is there someone else to supplement those visits. And that’s where Chabad steps in.





It has become tradition that, during Chanukah, a group of children from one of the Duchmans’ classes comes to the Roosevelt Island Senior Center to perform and do activities together with the seniors in attendance.  It is a day enjoyed by all!  Look out for it as we get closer to Chanukah.

Home Visits

Home Visits

Home Visits

Home Visits


We at Chabad pride ourselves with the fact that we are our brothers' keepers. In our community there are so many home-bound seniors and sickly, and we feel it to be our duty to pay them a visit and add a smile to their faces. We are available to make visits to our local elderly and sick. If you are elderly, and or know of someone who is, please contact us and we will make an appointment for a visit. When appropriate, it is the children who make the deliveries and bring cheer to the homebound. During Holiday times, we bring traditional foods (ie: Matzah for Passover, Hamentashen for Purim) and help fulfill Mitzvos of the holiday (ie: Shofar on Rosh Hashanah, Menorah on Chanukah).